The Dude-Jitsu School of Self Defense

a rapid fire flurry of slow motion sighs and inconvenient yawns


Feel like taking our non-conforming Casual Vows? If you’re going to swear allegiance it might as well be without swearing!


  1. No memorization required

  2. No membership fees

  3. No punishment if you mess up


  1. You do not need to be celibate… unless you need to be.


  1. You do not need the permission of the abbot to take a vow of silence.

  2. You may take a vow of silence at anytime.

  3. Breaking the vow is strictly prohibited — unless you have something to say.


The Dude-Jitsu School of Self Defense specializes in Jiu Jitsu punctuated with a Taoist ricochet. Bullets don’t bounce off of us. It’s more like we’ve already hit the sofa before the bullets leave the gun. Because naps are a holy, religious experience.

We are Dudeism’s first Dude-Jitsu dojo, so if you like being a martial arts trend-setter this is your place. Also, if you’re a practicing Dudeist, you’re in the right monastery. Just roll onto our dojo mat and do a few stretches to loosen up.

Master Dude-Li reminds us, “De-escalate, dude. It’s in you. Believe in the power of Relax.”

Once you’re on the mat, take a look around. Checkout the monastery’s insights into that ancient martial art… the most laid back counter-punching system ever developed… Dude-Jitsu. (Just don’t hit the counter too hard, they might throw you out.)

And by the way, there’s plenty of other stuff to read if you want to dig into Little Creek Monastery. You can also take a saunter into The Reverend Thomo’s writing about Zanshin – Feeling Attacked from All Sides? He’s the monastery’s Aikido master and Daoist poet.

“You can choose to listen to your thoughts or you can choose to listen to what the silence says.”

We are also Dudeism’s first monastery (untethered, unofficial and deeply casual). We also think we are the only Jiu Jitsu monastery in the world.

Check out the wandering Komusō in the Order of Nothingness.


Learn the world’s slowest punches.

Believe in your ability to spread calmness.

Harry S Truman said, “The buck stops here.” Harry S Dudeist says, “The fight stops here.”


Dude-Jitsu’s Essential Points of Self Defense

  1. Compete with no one except yourself.

  2. Be aware of your surroundings. (Implies occasional sobriety.)

  3. If your are surrounded, relax.

  4. Abide. Your surroundings will want to imitate you. That’s nature.

  5. Self defense? The main thing you have to defend against, man, is yourself.

“This stuff actually works!” - practicing Dudeist

It’s like a rug tying a room together. Once you’ve tied the Dude-Jitsu Abide Belt around your metaphorical monastic waist, may the world feel the calmness.

Master Dude-Li has many sayings. One of his most famous is, “We don’t believe in competitions. In the Dude-Jitsu dojo the only thing we compete against is ourselves.”


The Dudely Lama has recognized Little Creek Monastery (formerly called the Monastery of Nothingness) as a philosophizing Dudeism resource.

Oliver Benjamin, The Dudely Lama

Dude-Jitsu’s Motto: Take it Easy

Here’s the thing: there’s a whole lot to it when your goal is to take it easy. Dude-Jitsu is about seeing it for what it is.

So, taking it easy includes not just ourselves, but also includes our ability to bring that vibe to the people around us. For dudes young and old, loud or laid back… it’s a Dude-worthy mission.

If somebody’s hassling you, sometimes there can be nothing better than a well-placed, “Hey man, let’s just take it easy here.”

That’s the wisdom of someone wearing a Dude-Jitsu Abide Belt around their metaphorical monastic waist.

Other times it’s less about words and more about projecting the aura of staying calm. Dude-Li says, “The biggest thing you have to defend yourself against, is you.”

Master Dude-Li, seen in his favorite brown bathrobe.

Losing it

My mental health issues, an essay published in the Dudespaper. It was 2012 and I had gotten to the end of my patience. I was a mess. I lost all my income. I really really wanted to drop out and go live in a mountain cave or something. Run. I’d had it. Definitely past my breaking point. One of the things that helped me was realizing I needed more of the Dudeist “fuck it” attitude in my life. - Mark Walter

DUDEISM advocates and encourages the practice of “going with the flow”, “being cool headed”, and “taking it easy” in the face of life’s difficulties, believing that this is the only way to live in harmony with our inner nature and the challenges of interacting with other people. It also aims to assuage feelings of inadequacy that arise in societies which place a heavy emphasis on achievement and personal fortune. Consequently, simple everyday pleasures like bathing, bowling, and hanging out with friends are seen as far preferable to the accumulation of wealth and the spending of money as a means to achieve happiness and spiritual fulfillment. — Wikipedia


And now for a serious moment…

If you ever had a sneaking feeling that things may not be quite the way we all think they are, then you may want to watch Rupert Spira tell you that, “There is no actual, physical universe.”

EDITOR: It starts at around 1:58 and he drops the bomb about 60 seconds later.