Posts tagged field reports
The Old Hag

When I was between 12 and 15 years old I had an event that would occasionally occur. It always happened spontaneously and it was easily the most terrifying thing in my entire youth.

I would see something, It always appeared in my bedroom, and it always took place exactly the same way. It was a spiritual being, but it wasn’t a vague wisp of light nor was it a shadow. It was a fully featured woman, clothed and sitting in a rocking chair. She always appeared the same way, seated and rocking in a wooden rocker at the end of my bed.

We had a busy house with a family of eight. There were six kids, three boys and three girls, and we only had one bathroom and three modest sized bedrooms for the whole family. My parents had the biggest room. The three girls had a room and us three boys had a room. That put three beds plus dressers in each small bedroom. My bed was positioned on a wall with enough open space at the foot for a closet door to swing open. When this woman appeared, she would appear in that space.

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Living in the Past - Reincarnation

It struck me like lightning. Instantly dropping into a memory. It was like plopping an ice cube into water and you hear the sudden cracking of the ice as it meets the warm water. The scenes came shooting in rapidly like that, kind of flickering like an old black and white movie - but in color.

I was immediately aware of a farm hand walking down a dirt lane. He was an older man, thin and gaunt-featured with worn, leathery hands.

He had stopped in his tracks. I realized he was me, and in an instant I went from ‘looking down’ at him, to being inside his body and looking at my own hands.

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The Burning

Irina Tweetie and Fire

When certain doors get opened, the wise old sayings tell us that they can never be shut again. I’ve found that to be true. It’s also true that when certain doors get opened, you are going to encounter some unimaginable things. And sometimes they are devastating and deeply consequential. They might even kill you.

Irina Tweedie studied Sufism. In her studies she focused on kundalini, or ‘the fire’. I studied in martial arts. In my studies we focused on movement and flow, or on ‘ki’ energy. One person studies fire, another water.

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