Posts tagged experiences
The Positive Side of the Heartbeat

I had employed a practice that I’ve only recently been taught: positioning my awareness slightly on the positive or leaving side of my heartbeat. I had no idea of its meaning, yet the instant I turned to this practice a realization immediately emerged.

To be clear, I'm not declaring an understanding here. Rather, I'm simply sharing realizations that instantly emerged when I began practicing something I didn't understand.

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The Old Witch

The Old Witch would chase me in my dreams. She was terrifying and I would always flee in great fear. But the more times I saw her, the more advanced my fleeing efforts became. At first I would run and she would chase me. Eventually I took to flying, but the terrifying chase scene was unrelenting because she readily adapted to my flights no matter the destination and no matter whether on or above ground. Strangely, she never caught me. But I couldn’t shake her, no matter my strategies.

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The Old Hag

When I was between 12 and 15 years old I had an event that would occasionally occur. It always happened spontaneously and it was easily the most terrifying thing in my entire youth.

I would see something, It always appeared in my bedroom, and it always took place exactly the same way. It was a spiritual being, but it wasn’t a vague wisp of light nor was it a shadow. It was a fully featured woman, clothed and sitting in a rocking chair. She always appeared the same way, seated and rocking in a wooden rocker at the end of my bed.

We had a busy house with a family of eight. There were six kids, three boys and three girls, and we only had one bathroom and three modest sized bedrooms for the whole family. My parents had the biggest room. The three girls had a room and us three boys had a room. That put three beds plus dressers in each small bedroom. My bed was positioned on a wall with enough open space at the foot for a closet door to swing open. When this woman appeared, she would appear in that space.

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Early Travels into the Light - ***** Recommended

“For as long back in this life as I can remember, I have found myself captivated when looking at people. My mother would constantly correct me saying, “Don’t stare”. But even with her admonitions I would simply engage in peripheral vision. When I looked at people with this focused stare, I saw things that opened the multi-dimensional door for me in a myriad of ways. I could do this without thinking and yet I’d become lost in thoughts I could not describe.”

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Living Steel

I was wondering what would happen if all the steel in high-rise buildings just quit, or got tired one day.

I’ve always taken those girders for granted. But the thing is, on a molecular level they are moving. Which may not be a particularly comforting thought. Especially pertaining to buildings.

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Relativity, and My Twin Companions: Death & Abandonment

The intangible has, I discovered — as have many before me — a way of distilling how the mind thinks. It forces us to consider that things which seem absolute and certain are often relative and varied. If forces us to confront uncertainty, and to try to find stability in an utterly relativistic universe. Where anything can shape-shift, at any time.

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The Day I Turned Off the Miracles

I knew I was tapped into something that was giving me an unfair advantage. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew where it was. Somewhere in me, somewhere in my mind. And I decided, then and there, still sitting in my chair, to turn it off.

I don’t like the idea of gaming the system, whether it’s a normal everyday thing, or when it comes to matters of deeper consciousness. I wouldn’t have called it ‘consciousness’ back then. The thing is, I didn’t understand at the time what was going on, but I knew one thing for sure: it wasn’t fair.

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